Studio Calendar

Check here for upcoming events and dates for your diary for Studio Members, as well as some events open to the public [marked with (P)]. 

If you're interested in attending or finding out more about any of these events, please get in touch.  

There is a separate page with Crescendo Junior Choir dates here.

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Easter Holidays 2024

Friday 29th March - Saturday 13th April: Easter Holiday; no regular lessons

Monday 1st April (10.00 am- 12.00 pm, Northgate URC): Studio Class (Adult students)

                          (1.00 pm- 3.00 pm, Northgate URC): Music Pizza Party (Year 7-11 students) 

Wednesday 3rd April (9.00 am - 3.00 pm, Cleasby & Stapleton Village Hall): Music Fun Day (Year R-6) (P)

Summer Term 2024

Monday 15th April: Regular lessons resume

Saturday 11th May (9.30 am, Cleasby & Stapleton Village Hall): Trinity College London music theory exams

Saturday 18th May (10.00 am - 12.30 pm, Cleasby & Stapleton Village Hall): Adult Learner Workshop (P)

Monday 27th May - Saturday 1st June: Half Term Holiday; no regular lessons 

Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th May: Optional lessons available

Monday 3rd June: Regular lessons resume 

Saturday 29th June (10.00 am - 1.00 pm, Cleasby & Stapleton Village Hall): Adult Learner Ensemble (P)

Friday 5th July (Elm Ridge Methodist Church): Trinity College London practical exams

Saturday 6th July (3.15 pm, Northgate URC): Studio Summer Concert (children)

Monday 22nd July - Saturday 7th September: Summer Holiday; no regular lessons

Dates TBC: Optional lessons available

Have a great summer!

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Monday 9th September: Regular lessons resume